Unleash your absolute value
Redwood Consultants
Tell Me More

The Problem

Technology companies excel at innovation, but often struggle to communicate the true business value of these innovations to the key constituents that are the gatekeepers to mass deployment.

The Reality

Many potentially revolutionary products never make it to strategic deployment or mass adoption. Instead, they languish as spot deployments or science experiments among early adopters.

The Epiphany

Ushering innovative new products and services from early deployment to mass adoption requires a different approach – Compelling approaches that reaches beyond the technical and sheds light on the true value of the innovation, the whole solution and ecosystem that supports this value, and its long-term strategic business proposition.

The Answer

Redwood Consultants

We transform promising innovation into market success by unleashing its Absolute Value. RWC expertise bridges science and art, combining technical acumen with deep market knowledge, go-to-market experience, and unmatched creativity. We listen and learn from your team, then work with you to turn your innovation into a captivating story that can engage your target audience, optimally convey its Absolute Value, and put your solution on the path to mass deployment.

RWC is a Small Business company with offices in Germany and California. RWC is headquartered in California and Germany performing consulting services worldwide using extensive international relationships in the vendors and operator community.

Redwood Consultants specializes in advising clients in the following areas

Business Development and Go-to-market strategies that catalyze market adoption of new services or invigorate the growth of existing services

Business Development and Go-to-market strategies that catalyze market adoption of new services or invigorate the growth of existing services

Provide telecommunications consulting services. These services include international strategic business development, marketing, representation in standardization bodies, support proposal development, recommendations for communications systems design, and cost estimates. RWC possesses expertise in all telecommunications networks including home networking and optical access networks.

Provide telecommunications consulting services. These services include international strategic business development, marketing, representation in standardization bodies, support proposal development, recommendations for communications systems design, and cost estimates. RWC possesses expertise in all telecommunications networks including home networking and optical access networks.

Contact Us

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